>> Thursday, June 3, 2010
So if you follow both of my blogs, you would have already read that I just took on a second job. If you didn't know that, you haven't read my other blog, so go read it...then hurry back here and read this one lol. Ultimately, this means that I will be working from 6:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. When I realized this last night, I had a moment of panic and thought to myself, "Well God, why didn't you just give me this job before I took on the nannying job?" I began to doubt whether or not I would be able to handle this.
Well I just graduate from Evangel with my degree in Education. As some of my CLOSE friends know, during the middle/end of my senior year, I began to doubt my major and the calling that God had on my life (not a good time to doubt that). I really think I began to doubt my ability to juggle the lesson plans, teaching, discipline, grading papers, my social life etc. but I think because God knew that I was scared of this and scared of my future, he gave me both of these jobs to prepare me for what's to come. I honestly believe that through these two jobs, God is telling me,
"Lauren, I know you're worried and when you feel like you can't do this anymore, when you feel like your strength isn't're probably right. On your own, it is a lot to take on, but don't you see yet that I am your ever faithful Father? I will never leave you and in your time of struggle and weakness my strength will be made perfect in your life. So cast these fears on me and let me show you what it means to depend on me because I have you right where I want you, in the middle of my perfect plan for your life. You're here because every great leader has to be brought through the desert where they feel like they can't go any further because that is when you will begin to develop faith, trust, and dependency on your Father and this is where I will develop your character into the woman I created you to be."
So through this summer, I know I'll be tired and I know I'll feel overwhelmed at times, but I also know that I will grow so close to my Jesus that his presence will be all that I long for because I will need his presence daily to be sustained.
Next time you feel overwhelmed, remember the strength of the Father. The same God that parted the Red Sea, tore down the walls of Jericho, delivered Job from his suffering and the same God that overcame death. Trust in the strength that He gives.
AH!!! SOOOO proud of you!! Lauren, you are more than capable of doing these things!And you are totally right! It is not possible for us to do everything on our own. I wonder sometimes if God purposely gives us just a little more than we can tolerate just so that we have to lean on him. I wonder if our jealous God, we loves us more than we can ever know, just wants us to be dependent on him so He can once again show our feeble minds that He can take it and He is MORE than enough.
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