>> Saturday, June 26, 2010
Well, this is a tough blog to start. I went to a conference this week with my church, and really went with the thought that I'm going as a leader and I'm here to pour into the students' lives, but God had a very different plan for me. I won't go through my week day by day, but instead want to just explain what God is changing in my life. I feel a strong call to a place of holiness in my life. Farther than I've ever been, more dependent than I've ever been and definitely more broken than I've ever been. I feel like a lot of the standards and things I've set up on my own were done out of obligation more than a desire to be holy as Christ has called us. "As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all of your conduct, since it is written, 'You shall be holy, for I am holy'". 1 Peter 1:15. What a calling to the body of Christ. How often do we look at the things we do and ask ourselves, is this glorifying Christ or satisfying a selfish desire, because I have a feeling that if we did, we would be scared to look at our lives. I know that what God showed me about my own life made me cry harder than I ever have. It made me see the disobedience in my life, notice I didn't say ignorance, but disobedience. I knew it was not glorifying Christ yet, I allowed so many things to be a part of my life because I was disobedient. I was talking to someone this weekend who encouraged me to look at everything in my life like this, even if you're not convicted about something, shouldn't you still ask yourself, Does this glorify Christ? Can this be related to Jesus? If not, should I really be doing it? I've said it before and I have to keep reminding myself, my purpose on this earth is simply to glorify Christ. No more, no less.